Free Radio In Berlin and Brandenburg
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This is not a full English version of the German website,
but it is a good general description of what it's about.
appeal questions petition participate contact archive exists since the begining of 2002.

Support the campaign for a Free Radio in Berlin and Brandenburg!

Berlin needs a free radio!
We request the senate and the local parliament of Berlin and Brandenburg to adapt the national medium laws (Landesmediengesetz ) into the local broadcasting laws in such a way as to facilitate free radios (non-commercial local radio). We request the licensing council (Medienrat) to give us a licence for a free radio and to allocate an UKW frequency.

Berlin needs a free radio!
One that comes from the heart of the subculture, in which the music, art and political scenes can express themselves freely, where experiment is not feared, where real discussions can take place and where the unfiltered opinions of the listener are heard.

What is a free radio?

A free radio station differs clearly from commercial and public radio, in its organizational structure. Free radio is self-organised, i.e. there are no paid dj's, no exactly-on-the-hour news, no advertisement, no quota, no boss and no "Top Ten". First and formost Free means ad-free and free from State influence. Free radios are therefore not concentrating on the maximization of profit, nor do they have to justify themselves to any broadcasting council, or ruling political party. It offers a podium for social groups, a forum for democratic opinion, it promotes political articulation and supports a tolerant and open social climate. Not to mention the posibilities for the myriad of music scenes. Free Radio demonstrates diversity and creates variety; that thing you see and hear all over Berlin.

Here are some more good reasons for having a Free Radio in Berlin and Brandenburg:

Variety: Berlin has an enormous potential in subcultures and small communities, that are not represented by other radios. A free radio enables views of the most diverse scenes and contributes to its better representation.
Strengthening local networks: The work of neighbourhood groups and local associations can be completed ideally in an openly accessible radio. Programs by such groups will enable a better exchange of information and develop closer relations between these networks.
Understanding Democrasy: By the removal of the producer consumer structure everyone can take part in decision-making. A mutual understanding is promoted by including the views of the most diverse ways of life.
Selfpromoting Culture: Subculture suffers not only from chronic shortness of funds, but also from too little attention from the public. The city-wide presence of a Free Radio would on the other hand strengthen its self confidence, encourage creativity and, at least, increase the sales of records and attendance to shows.
Comparison with 11 other German regions: In almost all other German states there are Free Radios or at least windows for Free Radios (exceptions: Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Rheinland-Pfalz and Saarland). These are supported with up to 320.000 Euro per station and year from the 2% of GEZ fees designated in the "Rundfunkstaatsvertrag". This is admitting to the risen media competence of the average citizen and to diversity of opinions and tastes. It remains incomprehensible why the German capital does not think it`s citizens capable of contributing to this democratic use of the medium.

Berlin needs a Free Radio! Check out this website, where you can sign the petition, see the list of supporters or find out about current events, how you might get involved and more relative info..


Postfach 02 99 19 - 10132 Berlin
