Free Radio In Berlin and Brandenburg - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- This is not a full English version of the German radiokampagne.de website, but it is a good general description of what it's about. |
"Hotel Berlinische Galerie"
ehemaliges Glaslager
Alte Jakobstraße 124 - 128
10969 Berlin
For 2 weeks (30.11.- 15.12.02) the old glass factory and its offices were filled with all types of art and media rooms. Most functioning as galleries, some as conference rooms. radiokampagne.de used its room for a radio without a radio. An open lounge to produce radio shows and promote itself within the art scene.
02.12.02: Input/Output Behaviours - experimental Radio (live)
electronic boy band from Denmark (Jonas Olsen, Prins Esso, Karsten Pflum)
03.12.02: Input/Output Behaviours - experimental Radio (live)
- darkdrones and text. From the Chicago group milkbaby
06.12.2002: Input/Output Behaviours - experimental Radio (live)
ohmnoise (Berlin), apokalyptic apostle with keyboard + synthi
07.12.02: Press Play and Listen - a mix of Adlerstraße,
and Zip-FM.-
explained below
08.12.02: Kinderfunk - 5 short stories for kids by Annette
19 Uhr: Input/Output Behaviours - experimental Radio (live)
improvising with reel to reel machines and voice. (lifeloop and stories in colour)
09.12.02: Press Play and Listen - a mix of Adlerstraße,
and Zip-FM.-
explained below
10.12.02 Input/Output Behaviours - experimental Radio (live)
kate+blake (england/Los Angeles) a mix of live groovy tunes and field recordings
11.12.02: Input/Output Behaviours - experimental Radio (live)
participating in the nomusic
tournament - 2 members (lifeloop and frgmnt) playing from live from "HOTEL
B" together with Androvirus, live from New Zealand.
and later: Press Play and Listen - a mix of Adlerstraße,
and Zip-FM.-
explained below
12.12.02: Input/Output Behaviours - experimental Radio (live)
Field : solar module orchestra
13.12.02: Press Play and Listen - a mix of Adlerstraße,
and Zip-FM.-
explained below
14.12.02: Input/Output Behaviours - experimental Radio (live)
Object Behaviours" - frequency manipulation with mini fm transmitters
What's Press Play and Listen?
Adlerstraße: A radioplay soap opera touching on topical subjects..
Music, Text, computer voice and all types of sounds.
A 30 minute info-magazines. All Free Radios can contribute to Zip-FM.
What's Input/Output Behaviours?
Experimental musicians were invited into the studio to imprvise live in our
radio-lounge atmosphere. If this kind of sound art stuff interests you then
check out the mp3
In the days not listed above there was a spontaneous program and the radiokampagne.de CD "24 Sendepausen", containing 24 different transmission breaks to be each played as a loop over 1 hour.